How is decaffeinated coffee made?

To make decaffeinated coffee, the Arabica variety of coffee is usually used, as it usually has a lower caffeine content.

In addition, attempts are made to select plantations at a higher altitude, since the coffee, in addition to being more intense and aromatic , will contain a lower proportion of caffeine.

This is because caffeine is actually a protective method for the coffee plant, which allows it to defend itself against external attacks. Considering that the most hostile plantations are usually lower down, the higher the plantation, the less caffeine the coffee will contain.

Once the beans have been selected, the coffee is subjected to a caffeine extraction method that can be wet, chemical or physical by pressure.

Chemical method

This method uses a chemical substance that contains methylene chloride or ethyl acetate as an active ingredient, since both allow caffeine to be eliminated.

To do this, the coffee beans are moistened and mixed with one of these solvents.

The heat then evaporates the chemicals from the beans, which are then thoroughly washed to remove any residue that may have remained. Finally, the coffee is dried using hot air.

This is a common method of decaffeinating coffee, which uses harmless chemicals that are not harmful to health at all, while largely preserving the flavor and quality of the coffee.

Wet method

This process begins by soaking the coffee in hot water, extracting practically all the caffeine from the bean, although certain organic substances will also be lost.

Once this is done, the coffee is dried using hot air, evaporating the water, and the organic properties that were lost when the caffeine was removed are reintegrated.

Finally, decaffeinated coffee beans undergo the roasting process in the same way as caffeinated coffee, obtaining what is known as water-decaffeinated coffee.

The water method is a natural caffeine extraction process that allows the aroma and properties of the coffee to be preserved even better without altering its quality at all.

Physical method by pressure

This is a third method, although it is rarely used due to its high cost.

Through this process, the coffee is subjected to high pressure that allows the CO2 to penetrate between the beans and all the caffeine to be extracted.

Is decaffeinated coffee good for you? What are its benefits?

Decaffeinated coffee is not only good for you, but like regular coffee, it has many beneficial nutritional properties .

In fact, the benefits of both types of coffee are practically identical.

The main difference is that decaffeinated coffee is especially suitable for controlling hypertension, reducing anxiety and relieving migraines.

Other properties of this type of coffee are:

-Rich in potassium, which helps improve circulation

-Rich in vitamin B2, promoting eye health

-High content of vitamin B3, which helps fight diabetes, arthritis and cholesterol

Decaffeinated coffee: the healthy alternative

Decaffeinated coffee is gaining popularity, especially among those who want to control their caffeine levels, whether due to blood pressure, migraines, insomnia or simply for health reasons.

At Casa Eguía we want to help you control your caffeine consumption, without stopping you from enjoying the strength and body of a good coffee.

To achieve this, we work passionately to produce 100% Arabica decaffeinated coffee that preserves quality: Colombian Coffee , Relax Coffee with lemon balm and passion flower,…

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