What is organic coffee?
Among conventional farming methods, the use of pesticides and agrochemicals is common and standardized to repel pests that affect coffee. However, the intensive use of these chemicals has brought with it greater environmental pollution, sometimes to the detriment of coffee quality and general well-being. In the search for more natural and less harmful alternatives, many producers and consumers have developed the concept of organic coffee: a special type of coffee, a totally organic and high-quality agricultural food that is given special care from planting to roasting.
Organic coffee farming excludes the use of agrochemicals and seeks environmental balance through the intensive but holistic and sustainable practice of farming that returns to the soil what it takes from it.
The differences are in the advantages
There is no loss in choosing organic coffee, its differences are advantages, not only because it is a coffee of high commercial value, but also because it promotes a more environmental approach from the coffee industry to the consumer and vice versa. Any business that offers totally organic and natural coffee is in a win-win situation because no one can question its reputation in terms of excellence and health.
If you are one of those who care more about the quality and components of the food and drinks you consume, then you will be interested in knowing the advantages that will make you want to drink organic coffee.
You protect the environment
The main and most obvious benefit is the low impact this type of coffee has on the environment. By not using chemicals and not producing artificial waste, the fertility of the land is preserved and biodiversity is preserved.
Organic coffee is healthy for your body
The result of organic farming is healthier products with a higher nutritional quality. In the specific case of organic coffee, it has been shown that it contains a greater quantity of antioxidants, minerals and vitamins .
Organic coffee is a very good quality coffee
The care and manual processes that organic coffee undergoes result in a premium gourmet product , highly appreciated by experts. In most cases, coffees of this type are rich in nutrients since they have been planted next to fruit trees or other aromatic plants in fertile soil.
A more natural coffee is more tasty
More and more consumers are opting for organic foods, and organic coffee meets the expectations and tastes of many in this regard. It is the perfect compromise between quality, production and nature. Currently, the countries that consume the most of this type of coffee are the United States, Germany, Belgium, Sweden and Canada, with Spain not far behind either.
Coffee, good coffee, is a valuable product with a whole history behind it. The land and the method of production influence all the organoleptic characteristics of the coffee and, therefore, the final result. At Casa Eguía we are passionate about good coffee, and the more authentic the better, so we invite you to try this coffee trend with our range of organic coffees because natural coffees are tastier for the body and soul.
With Casa Eguia you can order online at any time, so you don't have to leave the safety and comfort of your home . We are aware of the health emergency that the world is experiencing and that is why, for orders over €30, we want the shipping of your order to be completely free.
Don't forget that we also have many other natural and delicious products for you, from loose teas, gourmet teas, organic teas, pyramid teas, tea bags, and even Chai and Matcha .
Source: www.productosdelcafe.com